Thursday, November 20, 2008

Newscast Project

This project was quite interesting. Although I feel that I was excluded at many times from my group, I still get the blame of "not contributing at all to the project." When I do attempt to help things out, all I obtain is "I've got it covered." Sebastian tries to take over the whole project and then I get blamed for "not doing anything." If I had my way, I probably would have created my own newscast. This was a very unsatisfactory project that I regret taking a part of.

I'm Thankful For...

The thing that I am most thankful for are my friends. They play an extremely important part throughout my everyday life and I do not know what I would do without them. Although sometimes they may seem a slight goofy, they are still pretty good friends. A small number of them mean very much to me. Some people say that friends are God's way of apologizing for family. Although this is not always true, it may seem like it at other times.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Obama Bush Political Cartoon

This is one of my favorite political cartoons. Many people disagree with Barack Obama becoming president, but can he really do a worse job than George W. Bush? Over the past eight years, Bush has become a joke and the target for many political cartoons, as displayed above. Let's all hope that Barack Obama does his best and prove to be a better president than his predecessor.

I commented on Kate Carroll's Invention post.

My Invention

My invention would have to be a transporter. I have no idea how I would achieve this. I also don't believe this will ever be possible. However, the idea of such a useful device is extremely satisfying. The days of asking for rides from your parents would no longer exist. However, you would also have no excuse for being late. It is still quite useful to be able to use a transporter to go anywhere to meet with friends or whatnot. One downside of this device would be that there would no longer be any practice of patience. Another downside would be that people might become sick of you if you have the freedom to go to be with them at all times. There would have to be an "allowing" feature to this transporter on the other side.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inspirational Journey

This image is very inspirational to me. It displays a man that looks to his "journey of a thousand miles." He knows he cannot accomplish this unless he takes his first step. He realizes this will be a very difficult journey and that he must start if he wants to get anywhere. This image depicts dedication, perspiration, and refusing to give up. This can be applied to many people's lives. I, too, wish that I can accomplish something as magnificent as this man some day.

I commented on Kate Carroll's inspirational post.

Scary Movie Podcast

My scary movie podcast was based on the film, Pan's Labyrinth. Whereas most of the students chose to write about their favorite scary movie, I decided to write about my worst scary movie. I failed to think of a really good scary movie that I have seen completely throughout. I have recently watched Pan's Labyrinth early this Fall and decided to write about that. It was a horrible movie and does not deserve to be watched by anyone.
During the podcast that I made, I played a thunderstorm and rain sound effect in the background. The podcast's sound quality was not that good though. I was not able to be at a computer in a corner covered by the walls. Therefore, many students' conversations could be heard throughout my podcast. However, I still finished.