Thursday, September 25, 2008

Homecoming Newsletter Thoughts

The Peoria Notre Dame High School Homecoming is only two days away. In our Technology Applications class, we have decided to have a project dedicated to the carnival-themed 2008 Homecoming. The students have all paired up with two others to create a newsletter. Each will construct his or her own article of no less than 100 words. For the title page, all three of the students will collaborate to create an interesting front. My two partners are Sebastian Von Zerneck and Dominick Leali. We have decided on the format for the title page already. Sebastian and Dominick will finish their articles sometime this week. I will wait until Monday to write mine in our class because my article will be about the Homecoming Dance. I have also heard that the best newsletter will be used in the next issue of Acclaim so I will do my best and hope that my group will be selected for this honor.


Dominick L said...

I could not agree more. You summed it up very well. I am exciting upon seeing your article on the Homecoming Dance. I cannot wait to see how you summed up the whole dance. It is a very big responsibility, but I think you are up to the challenge

I also hope that we have the best newsletter so that it goes in the Acclaim. I think that would be phenomenal. If we work hard enough, anything is possible!

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. You summed up our project excellently. I believe, as you seem to, that our group will receive the prestigious honor of having our newsletter featured in Acclaim. There are several things, however, they we must improve on and accomplish in order to achieve our goal.

Do you have any ideas for the design of our cover page? How could this project improve in its helpfulness in teaching you to use Pages? What is your favorite aspect of this project?

Once again, I wish you luck with your project. I look forward to future posts.