Wednesday, September 3, 2008

PND's new Introduction to Technology Class

This class is quite interesting. The new technology used by the school is pretty cool. I've never used a modern Macintosh computer machine. It seems to address many of the problems that Windows has and fixes it. It also has plenty of interesting applications not found in Windows. The assignments also seem simple enough with the right amount of challenge.
It is quite fun to be the guinea pigs of this class.


Anonymous said...

Yes, interesting indeed. The Macintosh really is much better than any PC. I really like the different configuration of the mouse, as well as the simplicity of the interface. My favorite application, so far, is Keynote. It is much easier to use than Microsoft PowerPoint, in my opinion.

What about you? How do you think the Macintosh addresses the problems that its competitors have? What are your favorite applications, so far?

You should check out the "gadgets" that you can put on your blog. You could make a poll. While you are at it, maybe you could respond to my poll. It asks what your favorite animal is. Mine is the Goblin.

Kate said...

Hi, Johnny! I was just thinking, there is a kid in my computers class who you would get along with really well. His name is Evan, but I like to call him "Squevan." You guys could become the best of friends! By the way, I love your blog! It's FABULOUS (from HSM2)!

Kate said...

Wow, you are so cool Johnny HO!

Kate said...

Johnny I can't get on the cpu right now because my darling mother is on the other one. haha but I wanted to advertise my poll. VOTE!!! :)

Matt said...

I still like XP better than MAC, easier I guess. I wish I could see your Storyboard--Kung Fu Fighting.
I will post my storyboard on my blog and you can check it out.
-Matt W.-

Kate said...

Hi Johnny. I was just reading your comment and I fully agree on everything you have said to me. I will definitely show the iMovie to you, and I would especially enjoy to see yours as well. I will be seeing you at school tomorrow, and I would really enjoy watching your movie. I hope your day has gone well for you, and thank you for the comment. I wish you the best of luck in creating your iMovie. Sincerely, Squirk

Dominick L said...

Hi Johnny!

I disagree. I don't like these Macs. They look cool, but that's about it. They look cool and have fancy shmancy mouses. Ooooh ahhh, who cares?! If you want a cool gadget, go to Sharper Image and waste your money there. PCs have the same things as Macs, and PCs are easier to use. We should have never switched to Macs. Macs are entertaining for about 10 minutes. The cool things of Macs are entertainment features it stores on the computer, and it takes up less space. The "cool" things don't make up for the added $500 dollars in price.

Matt said...

Hey back again to make my seventy-five word comment and your blog. I would have to agree with Dominick on those MACS. I think XP is a lot easier to work with and has more to work with that a MAC. Some things on the MAC computers can be confusing. But anyways looks like you got to get your other blogs up I see. The only thing I like is the Garage Band and the video and picture. I do not like the chess game because it always wins! but oh well.