Thursday, October 16, 2008

Peoria Logo

Since when has Peoria has a logo?! This is quite surprising to me as it never seemed Peoria was important enough to have its own logo. However, I do suppose it would be appropriate for the city to have a logo whilst many schools in it already have one. Although I do not know what the old logo looks like, I am glad that I may vote on Peoria's New Logo. I chose logo #8. Its simplicity appealed to me. Its bright colors also added to its overall appeal. My second choice was logo #2. It has a sun shine over the city by the river, which was quite artistic.

I commented on Kate Carroll's Halloween Costume blog

1 comment:

Kate said...

I liked number 8 as well, but I hated number 2 :) hahaha jk. I didn't like number 2 as much as the others, but i agree that number 8 was very simple and nice.